
Clinical Module - EMR

Psych specific Disease/Condition (HPI) Templates

Every specialty is faced with the common complaints, conditions and diseases. In many circumstances collecting a structured or “templated” history can promote efficiency, completeness and consistency in charting.

Psych specific Global EHR Templates

For simple medical encounters and complaints like Coumadin® checks, wax removal and flu vaccine administration, the elements of the encounter note are uniform.

Mental Health Status Exam and Review of System Defaults

Mental Status Exam and ROS findings are unique to your specialty and to each provider. Start with the pre-set library and then use the one-click customization feature to tailor to your needs.

Customizable Psych Specific Superbill

Set up your common diagnoses and commonly performed procedures… just like your paper superbill. We start you with a default list of ICD and CPT codes set up for your specialty.

Assessment, Plan and Procedure Defaults

“Each assessment, plan and procedure has default text to further elaborate on what was done or planned. We start you with default text which you can then take and customize to your needs.

Secure Electronic Prescribing with ePA and EPCS

Optimize patient medication management. Use Electronic Prior Authorization to enhance workflow efficiency, making medication-related prior authorizations swift and seamless.